Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Knights of Columbus Council 14283

Join us to help dedicate the new Flag Pole and honoring our Veterans!

We will be dedicating the new Flag Pole at at St. Francis Xavier today at 11/11 @ 4:00 pmHope to see you then!


The purpose of the St. Francis Xavier Council of the Knights of Columbus is to provide members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities’ families and young people.


Taking care of those in need at Daybreak Shelter


Who We Are

The St. Francis Xavier Knights of Columbus are proud of the work that they do to contribute to their church and community.   By participating in programs like the Intellectual Disabilities statewide fund drive supporting local institutions that support Intellectual Disabilities.


The Knights Give Me a Way to Put My Faith into Action

Become a Knight today: http://kofc.org/joinusAs we continue to celebrate Blessed Michael J. McGivney's Beatification, please enter the Promo Code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY to join online and your first year is free! When asked what your council number is be sure to use 14283.